Wednesday 27 March 2013

Yoga Poses - Back Pain Relief

You expect sore quads, calves, and glutes after copious saddle time. But Back pain is easily the most common overuse injury reported by competitive cyclists. Even though you don’t pin on a race number every weekend, “simple yoga-based stretches align your spine; relieve back, neck, and shoulder pain; and make flexibility in your upper body. Do this sequence two or three times a week to keep your back going strong.

Millions all over the world suffer from back pain and one of the best types of exercise you can practice is yoga. We’ll explore various yoga exercises for back pain in just a minute, but first, a few amazing information about why you should try yoga for back pain relief.

Cat Stretch

Remain on your hands and knees maintaining a set back. Make sure that your hands, wrists and shoulders form an upright line and your knees are positioned directly below your hips. Inhale so that as you start exhaling round your chin for the ceiling, tucking the chin for the chest. 

Child’s pose

Child’s pose is a very relaxing, to be the ideal pose that you can use to unwind following a stressful day. Start by kneeling on the floor together with your feet together placed together. Inhale deeply and gradually bring your torso close to the inner thighs. Slide your hands back across the body, placing the forehead close to the floor. Exhale and hold this position for some minutes until you being feeling a pleasant relief.

Downward facing dog

This yoga pose provides a total body stretch being very effective. Arrived at your hands and knees together with your hands directly under your shoulders. Next, move your hands and legs forward at approximately a 90 degrees angle, spreading the fingers around you comfortably can. Rotate top of the arms moving the neck away from your ears.

Saturday 16 March 2013

The 26 Bikram Yoga Postures

Bikram Yoga is named after its founder - Bikram Choudhury, who studied Yoga with Bishnu Ghosh, brother of Paramahansa Yogananda. It's a series of 26 poses performed inside a room with temperature of 105 degrees. Each Yoga Pose is usually performed twice and held for any certain period of time. Yoga Sessions begin with Standing Postures, then the Backbends, Forward Bends, and Twists. The poses are combined with Kapalabhati Breath or the "blowing in firm".

It has been established and experienced by millions that these 26 postures systematically work every aspect of the body, to give all the organs, all the veins, all the ligaments, and all sorts of muscles everything they need to maintain optimum health and maximum function. Each component takes care of something different within the body, and yet they all work together synergistically, adding to the success of every other one, and extending its benefits.

Standing Deep Breathing

Due to sedentary habits, most people use only 10 % of their lungs, never allowing the lungs too get to the maximum expansion capacity. Standing Deep Breathing teaches you to employ the other ninety percent of your lungs. This exercise ought to be done before any kind of physical activity. Because it expands the lungs for their full capacity, it increases circulation towards the whole body, waking everything up and preparing the muscles for doing things.

Hands To Feet Pose

Increases the flexibility from the spine and the sciatic nerves as well as most of the tendons and ligaments from the legs, and strengthens the biceps of thighs and calves. Additionally, it greatly improves blood circulation in the legs and also to the brain, and strengthens the rectus abdominus, gluteus maximus, oblique, deltoid, and trapezius muscles.

Triangle Pose

The only posture on the planet that improves every muscle, joint, tendon and internal organ within the body. At the same time, it revitalizes nerves, veins, and tissues. This is actually the most important yoga pose to increase the strength and flexibility from the hip joint and of the muscles from the side of the torso. Additionally, it firms upper thighs and hips, slims the waistline, and improves the deltoid, trapezius, scapula, and latissimus muscles.

Awkward Pose

Strengthens and corporations all muscles of thighs, calves, and hips, and makes hip joints flexible. Additionally, it firms the upper arms. It increases blood circulation within the knees and ankle joints and relieves rheumatism, arthritis, and gout within the legs, and helps to cure slipped disc and lumbago within the lower spine.

Eagle Pose

Supplies fresh blood towards the reproductive organs and the kidneys, increasing sexual power and control. It will help firm calves, thighs, hips, abdomen, and arms. It also improves the flexibility of the hip, knee, and ankle joints and strengthens the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and deltoid muscles.

Half Moon Pose

Gives quick energy and vitality; improves and strengthens every muscle within the central part of the body, especially in the abdomen; increases the flexibility from the spine; corrects bad posture; promotes proper kidney function; helping to cure enlargement of the liver and spleen, dyspepsia, and constipation. It increases the flexibility and strength from the rectus abdominus, latissmus dorsi, oblique, deltoid and trapezius muscles.

Standing Visit Knee Pose

Helps develop concentration, patience, and determination. Physically, it tightens abdominal and thigh muscles, improves flexibility from the sciatic nerves, and strengthens the tendons, biceps from the thigh muscles, and hamstrings within the legs, in addition to the deltoid, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, scapula, biceps, and triceps.

Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose

Cures and prevents sciatica by stretching and strengthening the sciatic nerves and also the tendons of the legs. It will help the functioning of most from the internal abdominal organs, especially the little and large intestine, and improves muscle tone and flexibility of thighs and calves and also the flexibility of the pelvis, ankles, and hip joints, as well as the last five vertebrae from the spine. Read more for all Bikram yoga poses....