Thursday 9 January 2014

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Yoga is an ancient practice followed within our country by many for ages. It has benefited everyone who has regularly practiced it. In today’s busy age, people look up to yoga as a type of exercise for a healthy body & a stress-free life. Yoga can help to lose weight. The best part about yoga is it leaves you fresher and more energetic than ever before after the workouts. 

Yoga considered being much more of aerobic exercise burns less calories during the workout when compared with other strenuous workouts which are as effective. Yoga has its very own sweet ways to cut the flab. It is a slow process however it cuts the fat as a knife cuts the butter. Let’s consider the best asanas which can help you to lose the fat.

Bow Pose

This really is more of an advanced yoga pose but not only helps in burning the fat but additionally helps in toning of legs and arms. One can feel the stretch within the abdominal region taking this pose. The stretch helps to unwind the fat in the region. Continous practicing of the asana further melts the loosen belly fat.

Warrior Pose

The warrior pose strengthens the hamstrings, thighs, legs and ankles because the body weight is transferred on the thighs using the forward bend. It helps to stimulate abdominal organs which will help increase the stamina. Stamina developed can help you to keep going over a longer period of time. 

Plank Poses

Planks help improve your stamina while building lean muscle mass in your core and arms. Perform a basic plank by placing your hands on the ground in front of your chest and extending your legs straight back to ensure that your weight rests on your toes and your palms. Keep your hips and torso in a straight line and hold for five breaths. Give your obliques a workout by getting into a side plank. Rotate your body to one side and lift one arm right to the ceiling as you stack one foot on the top of the other.

Locust pose

To increase the rate of leg muscle minimizing back muscle, Locust pose works well. Locust pose increases the metabolism rate of the back bone because it assigned with bending back. It strengthens entire back, arms and shoulders.

Cobra Pose

This is the pose which works on the chest and also the back region. The heart opening pose helps to consider deep breaths resulting in more oxygenated blood being pumped to different parts of the body. The oxygenated blood helps to burn the fat. Helps in toning the buttocks too.

Bow pose

One of the perfect pose that helps to manage your anxiety, tiredness and minor back pain is bow pose. Bow pose is indulged with bending back hence reveals neck, shoulders an chest. It's good for people who are having kidney disorders. Increases flexibility to back and helps for back and front muscles.

Side Bends

It’s as important to operate on muscles in the stomach region as often as working on other muscles group. After a certain age the body stops to develop and the fat starts accumulating within the stomach region. Side bends helps to melt those tops . These bends might not assistance to burn a lot of calories but will be instrumental in inch loss. Don’t be amazed if you need to wear belts as your pants is going to be loose the next time.

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