Sunday 6 April 2014

Yoga Poses to Increase Flexibility

Yoga is a wonderful tool to increase joint flexibility. Factors like sedentary lifestyles, our jobs as well as our age can have strong effects on the flexibility and without it, poor postural habits and incorrect movements begin to appear in our daily tasks (like going from sitting to standing and lifting). These habits, due to perceived, real or anticipated aches and stiffness can result in joint immobility.

Staying in the poses for a few minutes is the way to get a good stretch. Many times you can feel several different phases of opening while you stay in a pose for longer. Don't expect overnight changes, however. For the best results, do your stretches daily. The following yoga poses usually are meant to give you some options to fit your current degree of flexibility.

Downward dog

Come into a straight arm plank with wrists under shoulders and feet hip width apart. Press into your palms while you shift your hips up and back. Draw shoulder blades together, release tension in your neck and press chest toward thighs. Point tailbone up toward heaven as you press heels toward the ground.

Cow Face Pose

Increase flexibility in your outer hips, chest, shoulders and arms all at one time with cow face pose. Take a seat on the floor with your right knee stacked on your left knee. Your heels ought to be pulled in toward your hips. Sit on a folded towel or perhaps a block if you're having difficulty. Raise your left arm straight up, then bring your left fingertips to your upper back. Keep your elbow as close to your head as possible. Reach your right arm around your back, linking right and left fingertips together or keep a strap. Avoid dipping your chin down and arching your back. Hold on each side for 10 to 15 breaths.

Plank Pose

The number one way to build arm strength is as simple as executing plank pose on a day-to-day basis. This pose is one of the simplest yoga poses and can be modified to be more difficult as your muscles get stronger. While you progress in your yoga practice you might decide to hold one leg up started or one arm and eventually the opposite leg and arm simultaneously. This pose will also help you focus on your balancing skills.


A standing forward bend is a straightforward way to stretch your hamstrings. Try to keep your hips over your ankles; most people tend to let their hips creep too much back. Microbend your knees to avoid hyperextension. A nice variation is to grasp opposite elbows and let your torso hang.


Stand with feet slightly wider than hip width. Turn left toes out and right toes inward. Bring both arms as much as shoulder height. Slowly shift torso forward and put left hand above or below knee. Extend right arm directly above head. Spin ribs up toward the sky.

Reverse warrior

Stand with feet slightly wider than hip width. Turn left toes out and right toes in. Deeply bend left knee, ensuring it tracks directly over the ankle. Extend arms out to shoulder height. Reach up and back placing right hand above or below knee and increasing left arm overhead.

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