Monday 12 January 2015

Heal Your Back Pain With These Yoga Poses

If you are living with chronic back pain, good news is coming your way.  There are now several pain relieving options out there that do not include medication. In the past, the primary treatment for chronic back pain was rest and the use of painkillers. Today, doctors are encouraging their patients to manage pain and illness by partaking in activities like yoga. Some research even suggests that yoga is one of the most effective treatments for body pain.

You can greatly reduce back pain with yoga poses. and help heal back problems with proper back exercises. Let us help you understand how you have the power to heal and manage your back's health

Thread the Needle

Lying on your back, bend both knees with the feet flat on the ground. Bend the right knee like a figure four, with the outer left ankle to the right thigh. Lift the left foot into the air, bringing the left calf parallel to the ground. Thread your right hand between the opening of the legs and interlace your hands behind your left thigh. Hold 2-3 minutes and then repeat on the other side.

Downward Dog

There’s a reason Down Dog is one of the most iconic postures in yoga. It can rejuvenate your entire body. Start in tabletop and raise your hips so your body is in an upside down V position. Relax your head and neck and draw your inner thighs toward the back of the room. Spreading your shoulder blades apart will stretch your upper back even more, and reaching your hips up and back will help to open your lower back.

Two-Knee Twist

Lying on your back, bend your knees into your chest and bring your arms out at a T. As you exhale lower your knees to ground on the right. Keep both shoulders pressing down firmly. If the left shoulder lifts, lower your knees further away from the right arm. Hold for 1-2 minutes each side.

Child’s Pose

Not only is Child’s Pose an amazing way to relax, it can also stretch your entire back and your hips. Start on all fours, keep your arms forward and sit back so your butt is resting just above your heels. Hold and breathe deeply, feeling the breath reach all the way into your hips. The more you extend in either direction, the more you’ll feel relief.

Plow Pose

From Shoulder Stand, bend at your hips to bring your toes or top of your feet to the floor. Your hands can remain against your back for support, or you can clasp them together, keeping your forearms on the floor. Hold this as long as is comfortable to get a powerful stretch in your shoulders and spine. If this is too much, you can place a chair behind and you rest your feet on the chair.

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